Supplements and diet … Which supplements are best for weight loss?

WhoMaMedicineNutrition & DietsWhich supplements are best for weight loss? Which supplements are best for weight loss? Editorial 2017-11-21 14:50 How to lose weight Weight loss supplements are one of the most commonly purchased over-the-counter remedies. Some people consciously choose them as a complement to a treatment leading to weight reduction, others treat them as magic pills that will burn the accumulated fat without additional sacrifices. However, don’t trust suggestive advertisements and don’t be fooled by the shapely silhouettes on the packaging. Without a balanced, healthy diet and exercise, we will not achieve the desired effect. Supplements can only be used as a support, and this is what today’s article will be about.

Fat Burning Supplements

Weight loss supplements can be divided into several categories. Among the most popular are undoubtedly those that burn fat, e.g. Piperinox (1). However, we should remember that even when using this type of preparations, this process occurs only in combination with physical effort. If we avoid exercise and do not intend to introduce it into our daily activities, adopting such measures is pointless. Examples of fat-burning supplements can be found on the website, through which we can also book them at a nearby pharmacy. These are, Olimp Therm Line Forte, Activita L-Carnitine, Olimp L-Carnitine Forte Plus, Fundamic, Bio-C.L.A. with green tea and Olimp CLA with green tea.

Appetite Suppressant Weight Loss Supplements

 Appetite suppressant supplements are recommended for people who find it difficult to give up bad eating habits. Their regular use reduces appetite and allows you to free yourself from the need to eat excessively. However, let’s not forget that we will only achieve the desired result if we follow a healthy diet and take a reduced number of calories. A qualified dietician can help us plan the right menu. Appetite suppressants usually contain compounds such as caffeine, dietary fiber, guarana, chromium, tyrosine or glucomannan. Examples include: Be Slim 3, Chitosan, Apetiblock, Glucomannan, Get Slim Morning & Night, Olimp Green Coffee Premium, White Mulberry plus Beans, Appetite Stop and Bio-Chrom.

Supplements that block the absorption of fats

This type of weight loss supplements is able to block the absorption of up to 1/3 of the fats consumed. In combination with a light diet and regular exercise, it helps to lose excess weight, effectively accelerating the weight reduction process. By taking them according to the guidelines, we also do not expose ourselves to side effects, because these preparations only work within the digestive system.

Some of the most popular fat absorption supplements include: Alli, Calominal, Xenical, Chitinin Extra, Chitoben, and Redufat.

Weight loss supplements can help reduce body fat. However, they can never replace a healthy diet and the right amount of exercise, which are often enough to lose weight. If we lack willpower, we can include them in the treatment to speed up its course. However, we should remember that they must be a component of changing daily habits, and not a means on which we base the weight loss process.

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