Basic principles of the men’s diet – sample menu

What should a diet for men look like? Is there a difference between the menu for men and women? In the following article, you will find the basic differences between them and learn the principles of a healthy men’s diet. You will also read about the most common diseases among men and the impact of their diet on fertility.

Is there a difference between a men’s and a woman’s diet?

 Naturally! First of all, it will be the right calorific value of meals for both sexes. Men consume more calories than the fairer sex to meet their daily needs. Their basal metabolic rate is higher and changes with age. The recommended daily calorie intake is about 2500 kcal for men and 2000 kcal for women. It is also worth remembering that men often work harder physically and do more sports, which results in an increase in their daily energy demand.

In addition to the amount of food, another difference is the need for specific micronutrients. While the macronutrients are similar – protein 10-15%, carbohydrates 50-70%, fat 20-35% of energy per day, the recommended intake of most vitamins and minerals is higher in the case of a diet for a guy.

How much should a man eat?

A man’s caloric needs during the day are strictly dependent on the value of the total metabolism and the assumed goal. It will look completely different when you want to lose a few kilograms and reduce body fat, and differently when you plan to build muscle mass. In addition, it depends primarily on: age, heights, body weight and physical activity. The amount of food consumed is also influenced by the frequency of eating meals. It is best to eat 4-5 balanced meals a day at regular times, i.e. about every 2-3 hours.

The amount of calories consumed can also change in the case of various diseases or high physical activity. However, it is important to remember that the diet should not be modified on your own. In such cases, it is carried out under the supervision of a doctor or dietician.

Healthy meals in a man’s diet

The daily menu should be based on the pyramid of healthy eating. According to her, a balanced diet includes fruits and vegetables, followed by cereals, dairy, meat, and finally fats. When it comes to cereal products, it is best to choose whole grain products, e.g. bran, brown bread or groats (buckwheat, millet, barley). In the case of vegetables and fruits, they should be eaten as often and as much as possible. They can be smuggled in juices, salads, cream soups or vegetable pastes. Friends in the diet will be, for example: tomatoes, broccoli, lettuce, avocado or strawberries. When choosing dairy products, we should remember that dairy products contain protein of high biological value and B vitamins.

When it comes to meats, it is better to bet on lean meat, i.e. chicken or turkey – fattier meats are more difficult to digest and can cause a feeling of heaviness. Legumes will also be a good choice. It is an ideal source of protein, iron and vitamin B12. If you use fat for frying, opt for vegetable fat instead of animal fat. In addition, it is good to support the diet by drinking about 2 liters of water a day and getting enough sleep.

What should be avoided in a weight loss diet for men?

 If your goal is to lose weight, you need to remember a few main rules and eliminate harmful products from your diet. This infamous list includes:

  • fast food,
  • sweets
  • salty snacks,
  • alcohol
  • sweetened carbonated drinks,
  • white bread,
  • thick sauces and mayonnaise.

The most common diseases of men and diet

 Among the diseases that are closely related to the diet we have, are: overweight and obesity, diabetes, hypertension or some types of cancer. As a preventive measure, it is necessary to control and maintain a healthy body weight by taking a specific and indicated daily number of calories and following the principles of a healthy diet.

It is also a good idea to limit foods rich in fat, such as cream, lard, palm oil or hard margarines, and increase the intake of dietary fiber.

A proper diet also has a direct impact on male fertility. Introducing proper eating habits is the first stage of infertility treatment. Current research shows that there is a close relationship between diet and men’s sexual health. The best will be one that is rich in the consumption of vegetables and fruits, fish, seafood, lean meats, cereals, medium-fat dairy, vegetable oils, as well as legumes, nuts and seeds.

Remember that a balanced diet alone is not a guarantee of good health. You will enjoy good looks, health and your dream figure if you enrich it with regular physical activity!

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