Diet for women – characteristics, recommended and not recommended products, sample menu

A diet for women is a weight loss diet with a clearly defined, realistic goal and at the same time a healthy diet that allows you to be very active during the day. In a woman’s diet, the principles of healthy eating are important, requiring commitment, strong will and willingness to make sacrifices. This type of diet takes into account providing the right amount of calories, while eliminating unhealthy and hard-to-digest products. A woman’s diet is a healthy diet.

What are the characteristics of the women’s diet?

A diet for women is, above all, a healthy diet, taking into account the principles of proper nutrition. Its main purpose is to provide the right amount of nutrients and calories. For many women, a slim figure is a priority. Ladies should be aware, however, that the desired figure should not be the result of starving themselves. No woman should go on a hunger strike in order to lose a few pounds. Such unhealthy diets can cause many health problems such as hair loss, anemia, weakened immune system, permanent fatigue. Diets that lead to rapid weight loss in a short period of time should not be considered at all, as they can bring much more losses than benefits.

A woman’s diet should provide a sufficient dose of vitamins, proteins and minerals. When implementing it, it is also worth remembering to eliminate excessive amounts of saturated fats. A woman’s diet is also based on vegetables and fruits, which are a valuable source of vitamins and antioxidants.

Woman’s diet and increased nutrient requirements

Every woman’s diet should provide the necessary nutrients, because only then will her body function properly. An increased demand for nutrients occurs during menstruation, colds and increased professional activity.

Women with very heavy periods may develop iron deficiencies. For this reason, it is worth including food products containing the right amount of this element in the diet. Some specialists also recommend the use of additional iron supplements. A cold usually manifests itself as fatigue, sore throat, runny nose and irritation, sneezing or headache. During a period of increased morbidity, our body needs a large dose of vitamin C, as well as other important nutrients. Cold treatment can be supported by vitamin preparations and a healthy, vitamin-rich diet.

We especially recommend garlic and onions, of course only for dinner. These vegetables contain substances with bactericidal and antiviral properties, moreover, they do not lose their health-promoting properties after heat treatment (cooking, frying, baking).

In the case of fatigue, problems with the functioning of the immune system may also occur. Then, a woman is much more exposed to various health problems, such as viral or bacterial infections. To avoid complications, it is worth including the right amount of vitamin A, vitamin C and magnesium in your diet. These compounds have a beneficial effect on the nervous system and help fight free radicals, responsible for the formation of the so-called oxidative stress. Vitamin C is also a powerful antioxidant that prevents premature aging of the body.

Foods recommended in the women’s diet

 A diet for women should be based on the right amount of energy, vitamins and minerals. It is essential for the proper functioning of the body. The following foods provide these nutrients and at the same time allow you to lose excess weight faster.

The products recommended in the diet for women are:

  • Milk and dairy products (yoghurts, cheeses) – contain a lot of calcium, which builds bones. This is especially important for women at risk of osteoporosis. Dairy products containing probiotics (yoghurts, kefir) prevent constipation and strengthen the immune system. Fruit yogurts are not a good source of protein because they contain a good amount of carbohydrates. Therefore, during a weight loss diet, they should not be consumed. In addition, when following a weight loss diet, you should choose products that are as unprocessed as possible and low in fat.
  • Fatty fish – i.e. mackerel, salmon, tuna or herring – contain omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids, necessary for the proper functioning of the body. They prevent heart disease, hypertension, inflammatory diseases and even depression.
  • Vegetables and fruits – fresh and with skin are the most beneficial for health. Most of the vitamins and minerals they contain are not destroyed by freezing, while other ways of processing and extending shelf life are not as beneficial. Grapes and red and blue berries, in addition to vitamins, also contain anthocyanins, powerful antioxidants that protect cells from free radicals. On the other hand, resveratrol present in grapes protects against the development of atherosclerosis and has anti-inflammatory properties.
  • Legumes – provide complete protein and fiber. They are essential in any healthy weight loss diet. Thanks to the ingredients it contains (especially soluble fibre fractions), they are recommended for people struggling with too high levels of “bad” cholesterol in the blood. Numerous studies indicate that the substances contained in soy have anti-cancer properties, especially against breast cancer, and prevent cardiovascular diseases. They also help to cope with the symptoms of menopause and PMS (premenstrual syndrome), which many women suffer from.
  • Whole grain products – i.e. whole grain bread, brown rice, whole grain pasta, are a great source of dietary fiber.

Of the alcohols available on the market, red wine is the most beneficial for health, of course, consumed in reasonable quantities (a maximum glass a day), as it contains antioxidant substances.

What should women avoid in their diet?

What should women avoid in their diet? First of all, fatty products, hard to digest and burdensome for the body. Products that increase the level of bad cholesterol in the blood (LDL). Ladies should avoid fatty meats, e.g. duck, pork. In addition, they should avoid dishes from fast food restaurants, such as hamburgers, fries, cheeseburgers, kebabs, onion rings or other deep-fried dishes. Deep-fat dishes should be completely eliminated, because during heat treatment, toxic compounds (PAHs) are formed, which is extremely unhealthy for our body.

Not recommended products are pâtés, luncheon meats, frankfurters, fatty sausages, cold cuts or pork knuckles. It is worth replacing margarine with high-quality butter, because it contains valuable nutrients such as vitamin A, vitamin D, vitamin E. These substances have antioxidant properties and have a beneficial effect on our circulatory system. In addition to vitamins, butter also contains fatty acids. The diet for women also does not include salty snacks, e.g. sticks, chips, nuts. During the diet, it is also not recommended to eat sweet snacks, e.g. cookies, cakes, cupcakes, cakes with cream, sweetened cocktails, bars or candies.

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