Sports … best Sport for Weight Loss

If you want to lose weight and stay in good physical shape, it’s important that you burn more calories than you take in. Depending on the type of exercise and the sport, training can consume a lot of energy, you just need to choose the right sport. The portal lists and analyzes three forms of training that will be a great solution. One thing can already be said: the greater the effort, the greater the fat burning and thus the weight loss. Of course, you should not exceed your own load limit, you also have to remember about the right diet, which is very important in this process, but these three sports below are ideal to help you achieve an important goal. Get to know them.


 Swimming is an ideal sport to complement your fitness program, allowing you to lose body fat, as well as supporting your health. Water endurance training improves our physical fitness, strengthens the cardiovascular system and the immune system. In the water, we train many muscles at the same time. Swimming strengthens the muscles in the legs and buttocks, but the muscles in the arms, shoulders, chest and back also benefit especially from training in the water.

Due to the high resistance of the water and the body’s adaptation to the lower temperature, more calories are burned and metabolism is activated. That’s why swimming is so effective.

Swimming is also one of the most joint-friendly sports, as the strain on ligaments and joints is about 90 percent less than on land. Swimming is therefore an ideal sport for people who are overweight. Strokes in swimming relieve nagging tension in the neck and neck. Rhythmic movements and weightlessness in the water reduce stress hormone levels, thus providing overall relaxation. A half-hour swim (crawl) burns about 350 kcal.


In recent decades, cycling has become an endurance sport for young and old alike. Cycling is easy on the joints, as up to 80% of the body weight rests on the saddle, which is why it is particularly suitable for beginners.

Cycling trains the cardiovascular system, the immune system, and many other muscle groups. Cycling is an optimal endurance workout and at the same time gently stimulates the heart and blood circulation. In addition, it engages or strengthens the lungs, stimulates the breathing of the whole body and has a positive effect on the autonomic nervous system.

Like swimming, cycling is good for your leg muscles. It uses a wide range of leg muscles and the spine is then not overly strained, which protects it from exploitation and strengthens it because the muscles of the core, neck, shoulders and arms have to do a lot of work to support the back. Cycling is also a lot of fun. It provides a pleasant outdoor experience, the joy of speed and sometimes also motivation, thanks to group training. The average calorie consumption at a speed of about 15 km/h is between 120 and 200 kcal per hour.


When it comes to endurance and conditioning training, running is still one of the most effective sports. It does not require complicated equipment or special conditions. All you need are good sports shoes and an open space to start your training. This form is a great way to improve your overall performance and physical condition. Regular running workouts affect cardiovascular fitness and the respiratory system, which results in better exercise tolerance.

Of course, as a beginner, we should not immediately run at a very fast pace, otherwise we will lose our breath in no time and our motivation will disappear. At the beginning, we should run a little slower, but keep a steady pace over longer distances.

Running is an effective way to burn calories, which can help you lose weight or maintain a healthy weight. Regular running training contributes to the reduction of body fat levels. The calorie consumption of a half-hour run at a pace of 6:20 per km is about 385 kcal. Running also increases the afterburner effect, which means that calories are still burned for a few hours after the run.

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